Helping You See the World Brilliantly

Eye Doctors in Miami

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Dr. Zuriany Olive, an optometrist in Miami performing a kids eye exam.

See the World Brilliantly 

Brilliant Eyecare is a new and modern practice with a warm and inviting atmosphere. We strive to make every patient feel like family and truly want you to ‘See the World Brilliantly’. We know that healthy eyes and clear vision are the key to this.

We provide the latest in technology for the highest quality eye exam and an optical boutique with frames to enhance style so our patients leave the office seeing and looking their absolute best.

Dr. Zuriany Olive, an optometrist in Miami performing a kids eye exam.

Digital Eye Strain Relief

With computers, tablets, smartphones, and TVs, digital technology has made our lives more convenient and entertaining. But our growing reliance on these devices, means many people are also experiencing digital eye strain.

While digital eye strain poses no long-term risks to your eye health, it does come with various symptoms that cause discomfort when working on a computer or other digital device. Our team at Brilliant Eyecare can help you and your family find long-term solutions to use digital devices more comfortably.

Our Location

Find our beautiful, full-service clinic in the Premiere Plaza building off US1 and 104th Street.

We’re directly across from the Whole Foods shopping center and have plenty of parking, including accessibility stalls.

Our Address

  • 7875 SW 104th Street
    Suite 204
  • Miami, FL 33156

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