Brilliant Eyecare in Miami

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Our Home Is Your Home

Brilliant Eyecare is built on a foundation of customer service and person-centered care. We’re deeply devoted to providing an exceptional patient experience for our patients of all ages. 

Your eyes are our passion. We’ve invested in advanced diagnostic technology and stay up-to-date on the latest eye care techniques so we can provide you with accurate results and comprehensive follow-up care. Our approach ensures your eyes are as healthy as they can be and your vision is clear and comfortable. 

Book an appointment or stop by and check out the frames selection in our beautiful optical boutique. And see the world brilliantly.

Our Mission

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How We Give Back

Our eyes help us explore, experience, and engage with our world, and poor eyesight can severely impact quality of life. 

Glasses are one the easiest ways to achieve clear vision. We work closely with Modo to give the gift of sight to those in need:

  • Modo has helped more than 1 million children worldwide see through their “Buy a Frame; Help a Child See” initiative: for every frame purchased, Modo donates a comprehensive eye exam and pair of glasses to a child in need.

We’re also committed to improving our environment and work with ECO® Eyewear by Modo. For every purchase of frames by this sustainable eyewear line, a tree is planted. ECO has planted more than 2 million trees since 2009.

Meet Your Eye Care Team


Dr. Zuriany Olive





Our Location

Find our beautiful, full-service clinic in the Premiere Plaza building off US1 and 104th Street.

We’re directly across from the Whole Foods shopping center and have plenty of parking, including accessibility stalls.

Our Address

  • 7875 SW 104th Street
    Suite 204
  • Miami, FL 33156

Contact Information

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